Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The AfroSpear to Me:

The AfroSpear is a national and international group of Black self-determination bloggers collectively using our blogs and our influence to improve the lives of Blacks politically, socially, economically, culturally, and even spiritually. AfroSpear bloggers use their blogs and their voices in various different ways, depending upon their expertise and preferences, to promote the goals of the AfroSpear, of improving the lives of Black People throughout the Diaspora politically, culturally, economically, socially, and even spiritually.

The AfroSpear maintains a highly credible and effective advocacy voice for Black people that is heard loudly, clearly and influentially throughout the Diaspora. The AfroSpear does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference, native language, ethnicity or disability, but its members are Black bloggers who are prepared and determined to consistently use their AfroSpear blogs and their voices in a collaborative AfroSpear effort to pursue the political, economic, social, cultural and even spiritual improvement of the lives of Black people throughout the Diaspora.